Allergy treatment: General principles

First of all it is necessary to maximally limit the contact of the patient with the allergen: not to eat allergic foods, to comply with a therapeutic diet, to create the conditions excluding exposure to domestic allergens and the effect of additional factors that contribute to the development of the disease.

You need to consult a doctor for treatment and diagnosis: in some cases, to identify allergens require special tests. To appoint anti-Allergy (antihistamine) drugs can only be a specialist, he will choose the best dosage and combination of drugs.

Medication allergies

Antihistamines are the most common as a method of Allergy treatment. Usually prescribed drugs are second-or third-generation ("Effective", "claritin", "Aerius", "Zyrtec"), has fewer side effects, including drowsiness, compared with the preparations of the first generation (diphenhydramine).
Often, in addition to antihistamines, Allergy need to take the sorbents to accelerate the excretion of allergens.

In severe forms of Allergy have proven effective glucocorticosteroid drugs. The prejudice of many patients against hormone tablets, injections and ointments based on the experience of application of preparations of the first generation, has a lot of side effects. Modern hormonal preparations for the treatment of allergies safer, however independent their purpose and exceeding the recommended period of drug intake is strictly prohibited. Corticosteroids can be used topically to relieve acute or maintenance treatment, and forms for systemic impact – in this case, they take a short course to deal with heavy aggravation.

Method of specific desensitization

Is also used a method such as allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT), or the method of specific desensitization (desensitization). In this case, the patient is injected with the allergen gradually increase the dose, usually in the form of injections of purified allergens. After some time formed the body's tolerance to the allergen, and inadequate reactions no longer occur.
Allergen-specific immunotherapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician, after the introduction of the allergen must stay under supervision in order to avoid anaphylactic shock – a terrible Allergy.

This treatment is recommended in cases where contact with the allergen cannot be prevented, and the effect of drug therapy is insufficient. The method is designed for a long time – the average course of treatment lasts 3 years, but after a few months the need for the use of hormonal and antihistamines is reduced, improving the patient's quality of life.

Non-drug treatments

If you are allergic shown physiotherapy (stay in Baro - and the speleological chamber), plasmapheresis (hardware cleaning plasma) recommended climate therapy and health resort treatment. Short stay the sea sometimes reduces the symptoms of allergies, but we must remember that excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays and extreme changes in climate can cause deterioration.

The effectiveness of alternative therapies for allergies is not yet enough evidence, however, prolonged absence of a desired effect, under ordinary medical treatment, some patients turn to homeopathy, acupuncture or herbal medicine.

Allergy treatment in various types of immune response

Depending on the type of reaction of the organism is assigned an additional treatment designed to alleviate specific symptoms. So, with allergic dermatitis, accompanied by the appearance of the rash, irritation, dryness, apply a moisturizing, wound healing, or drying ointments and creams.

Allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, in addition to antihistamines, decongestants and also to treat anti-inflammatory drugs. Bronchial asthma is prescribed a bronchodilator agent.
People who suffer from allergies to medication in case of emergency situations, doctors recommend to wear a special bracelet that lists all drugs for which at least once was recorded allergic reaction.

Practically all types of allergies are recommended to eliminate from the diet or restrict the foods most commonly causing allergic reactions (citrus, cocoa and chocolate, nuts, brightly colored fruits and vegetables). New and unknown products it is recommended to enter into the diet one at a time and in small quantities.

You should limit contact with Pets and birds and to create living conditions under which contact with household allergens would be kept to a minimum. This requires frequent wet cleaning, daily airing of rooms, it is not recommended to keep in the premises carpets, bedding made from natural materials, indoor plants.