You will need
  • Computer (laptop) software.
Any information (a file) can be compressed to reduce its mark up of the original. Locate the memory card folder with text documents (.doc .xls), to compress them, coined many programs WinRAR, WinZIP, they reduce the size of the document, almost ten-fold packaging them in a separate folder archive. But the problem is that the size of the text document is initially small, and if you have not stored fleshke the works of Lenin, liberated space for film is not enough.
What else can be stored on mobile storage media, and of course photography. The size of the photo after the camera can reach 10 MB, but you may have seen pictures of good quality with a size of several hundred kilobytes, the fact that the camera attaches a lot of garbage, "clean up" the picture to reduce its size you can also with the help of special software, whose full on the Internet. The main criterion for reducing the size of the photo is the preservation of the quality of the photograph itself.
Yes, you are an avid music lover, so much music to wear. Here is where you can really carve out megabytes of free space. To compress music files also have their own programs to use them simple and intuitive. The music file size is reduced by reducing the bitrate of the recording, but to reduce it to zero is not worth that kind of music then listen to is just disgusting. Possible also option to shrink the existing drive video files or the movie you want to rewrite, but this procedure is quite long and can take anywhere from 4 to 10 hours or more.