At this stage there are a few simple ways to solve your professional identity. The right choice of future activities will help you not only find your life path and to realize themselves, but also to gain confidence in himself. So, first of all, set priorities for themselves. What should be the main factor and that can be secondary when choosing a job: the satisfaction from the process of work, a good team, wages, free time, etc.
Analyze your talents, abilities, inclinations, interests. What process brings you joy, satisfaction. Think about what makes you angry, tired. Make a list of all your skills. It can be not only professional skills but also different skills to analyze, make quick decisions, organize, diplomatic skills, communication skills.
Formulate your goals: what would you like to achieve through their work. And then, identify ways to achieve this goal. If you want in the near future to repay a Bank loan, you do not need to look for a job where the financial results you achieve only after a long period.
Consult with family and friends. Ask their opinions about your strong and weak traits. From their point of view is your vocation. Look the part – sometimes the shortest way to understand and accept the truth about yourself. Try yourself in different areas that are close and interesting to you. Own practical experience, perhaps one of the most important arguments in choosing a hobby.
When choosing a profession it is necessary to consider not only your specific skills and knowledge, but also character. Temperament people are divided into 4 main categories: melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine and choleric. Melancholic – people are impressionable, prone to deep feelings and emotions. This thin-skinned, creative personality. Suitable profession from the creative workshop: musician, artist, writer, designer or scientist. Phlegmatic – slow, deadpan, looks mean on the manifestation of emotions and feelings. But they have shown admirable diligence, tenacity and perseverance. They are prone to analytical work, ability to make informed decisions. Their profession may be associated with logistics, Finance, accounting. Phlegmatic is a good middle managers. Sanguine is a lively, sociable, they are easy-going, always ready to help. Sanguine – optimistic in life. Therefore, they can easily survive the failures and troubles. Their predominant field of activity is in the field of working with people. They are good leaders, HR managers, working with clients, as well as, teachers and medical staff. Choleric have fast response, impulsive, passionate, emotional. They - people in General, may be constantly spouting ideas. Choleric, well suited field of marketing, management, advertising. They are also good administrators and managers. To determine your own temperament, pass psychological testing or get advice from experienced professionals.