You will need
- - The text of the abstract in electronic form;
- the list used in the abstract sources;
- - GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules".
Vnutritrekovye links placed in the text of the document, immediately after the quoted work or its fragments. They are enclosed in parentheses, for example: (Umnikov A. A. How to make a million. M.: Wise owl, 2011. P. 7). The obvious lack of references of this type: they clutter the main text. But immediately visible source, and the authors and the title of the work, and the important output. Use vnutritrekovye links, if your essay is not expected copious citation of sources.
Footnotes and references should be formatted as footnotes. For this you need the editor to Microsoft Word select "Insert – Reference – Footnote – at the Bottom of the page." Automatically displays a thin line at the bottom of the page and number the footnotes (or the asterisk). The font of the footnote text often 10th. In fact, the very design of the notes is no different from the previous case, except that brackets are not needed. At desire it is possible to give a more extended description of the source, indicate who is the editor or author of the translation, which is a re-release, the total number of pages.
They should be attached at links to the most popular. The list of references at the end of the abstract represents a set of Endnotes links. In fact, the text used references to zatekstovye links in square brackets. It may look like this: [5], [5, p. 83-89], [Clever, 2011, pp. 83-89], [Reasonableists, 2010; Smart 2011], [CIT. by: 5, p. 7], [Cm. 5; 12]. The numbering of references can go here or in the order of citation of sources, or in alphabetical order. All the nuances of references and bibliography, you need to look at the GOST R 7.0.5-2008.
Quite possibly, you'll need to make a link to the online source. If it's a book or an article having a printed version, but found you online, execute it as follows: Umnikov A. A. How to make a million. M.: Wise owl, 2011 [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed: 27.10.2011). Article in the electronic journal is issued: Umnikov A. A. How to spend a million // Problems of big business (electronic journal). Moscow: The Ruble, 2011. No. 4. URL: (accessed: 27.10.2011).
Do not torture the question is, how many links should be in the abstract. How much you need – but on condition that you use direct and indirect quoting is neither excessive nor insufficient. Links almost after each sentence or paragraph is inappropriate and indicates the inability of the author to work competently with other people's texts. Too rare and their presence (or even absence) in the text indicates the presence of plagiarism and the dishonesty of the author of the abstract. So try to cite sources and place links to the abstract, avoiding these extremes.