Be interested – that's the main problem to be addressed in order to attract applicants. For future students the most important criteria are the prestige of the University, an interesting learning process and the prospects of further employment. When events do focus on these aspects.
Organize at the University open day. In the lobby, put booths with information about each faculty, the most popular specialties and directions. Place tables, each of which should sit representatives of the faculty, who will tell all comers about the process of learning and other exciting moments. It is desirable that it was different in the position of the people. The teacher will be able to talk about the learning process, about which disciplines will be taught, the quality of education. The acting student will attract entrants with a story about the interesting University life, activities, opportunities to relax. The graduate will soothe a student's job prospects after this University, will show it by example.
In open day to arrange a student concert. It will create an atmosphere of celebration and ease, in some sense, even entice applicants by showing them an active and interesting student life. Topics for speeches can be intra-University relations, caricatures of students and teachers. This will give students a sense of belonging to the University.
Organize advertising campaign. Billboards, commercials, banners on the Internet can be used by any carrier. To the applicant to attract, you need to speak to him in his language. Dry statistics rarely anyone of them is interesting, and the flow of it alive and attractive language will be able to convince the student to your right.