You will need
  • - personal computer with access to a global network;
  • - entrance door with a combination lock on the handle or biometric scanner;
  • - door closer;
  • - magnetic latch.
Find it in the online store, specializing in the implementation of the entry door. Carefully review presents a variety of proposals. Order your "smart" door with no lock. These doors are unique in that they do not have built-in lock, but is equipped with, for example, a combination lock on the handle or biometric scanner, performing a fingerprint identification. Buy a door and install it. To close or open a door, if installed entrance door with a combination lock, you have to remember a combination of several figures: they are the "key" locking and opening the door.
Install the door having no lock, door closer. This is a mechanical-hydraulic device will perform a quiet and smooth closing of the door. Install closers on interior doors, and cumbersome access doors. Make a special effort to close the door don't have set of door closer will do everything automatically: just coming out of the room, release the door and it closes.
Purchase in shop of furniture accessories magnetic latches for doors and perform their installation. The principle of operation of magnetic latches: one component of the magnetic latch is mounted on the doorframe and one on the door leaf. Due to the fact that between them there is a magnetic field, the door is pulled to the box.
Close the door with the automatic drive is not difficult: it responds to the approach of man and his estrangement. As soon as you move away from the door, it closes itself.