You will need
- - passport;
- - a statement.
To get started, contact the territorial (TIK) or precinct (PEC) electoral commissions. Here you have to bring your own written statement with the request of issuing the absentee certificate. If you yourself can not do it because of certain reasons (poor health, the inability to personally come to the Commission, etc.), then to write the application for you can the person you appoint as your agent. The only thing that confirm the representation it needs notarized power of attorney. This situation is regulated by paragraph 3 of article 74 of the Federal law "On elections".
Remember that in your statement, you must specify the reason why you can't come to your site in day of voting. The reason can be anything: going on a vacation or a business trip, a permanent residence during this period in the country, etc.
Consider the fact that the absentee ballot to you will be able not earlier than 60 days before voting day. This is due to the fact that every election campaign the Central election Commission develops individual blank absentee ballots. And according to its form not later than 60 days before the election. As practice shows, the territorial Commission issue the forms for absentee 45-20 days, and the precinct for 19. The deadline when you can get the card - the day before election day.
Getting paper, be sure to include your passport. Also, if you get a certificate at the territorial election Commission sign a special document - the register of issuance of absentee ballots. If you take it to the precinct election Commission, the painting should be placed directly in the voter list. We need this in order to have you removed from the lists on your site.
Carefully check the correctness of the absentee ballots in the certificate data. Definitely it should be your surname, name, patronymic, number of the electoral precinct where you are registered should be listed. And, of course, an absentee ballot must be confirmed by the seal of the Commission which issued, and endorsed by the signature of the member of the election Commission.