Decide the faculty and the specialty on which you want to learn. Find out whether this direction of training by correspondence or by correspondence accelerated form.
Despite the fact that distance learning competition is significantly less than on the day time form of the same faculty, you still have to pass some entrance exams and avoid possible competitors. Find out beforehand what form of entrance examinations is for the chosen direction, and how many points you need to earn for admission to the students. The exception is available only if on training you have been sent employers: you may be enrolled without exams.
In absentia-an accelerated form of training can be financed and paid from the state budget), if the INSTITUTION involves training on a similar basis. For those who have passed the entrance examinations for satisfactory and for individuals who receive second and subsequent higher education, tuition will be paid.
Set for distance learning is traditionally September 1 – although the Day of knowledge, you do not have to be in the University, because you study at home. In any case, be sure to register for the exams at the time of the summer entrance examination: you have the same status of the entrant as the rest.
Some institutions conduct admission to correspondence form of training twice a year: at the beginning of the first semester (September) and second (February-March).
To enroll you must provide the documents required by the University: the original and a copy of the certificate of secondary education (11 classes of school), medical certificate, photographs. Specify a list of documents by contacting the admissions office of the University you are interested in.