You will need
  • - disposable sheet;
  • - 70% alcohol;
  • Vata;
  • - conductive gel.
Ask the patient to undress to the waist and free from wear wrist and leg.
Cover disposable couch sheets. Ask the patient to lie on your back and relax muscles.
Moisten a cotton ball with 70% alcohol solution and wipe internal surfaces of the wrists and shins. Then apply to the same place the gel Explorer or just moisten the skin with physiological saline solution. Unravel the wires of the electrodes for the limbs. They look like big pegs or feelers. Place electrodes on the wrists and calf so that the metal plates on their inner surfaces were leather, wetted guide. On the right wrist is superimposed a red electrode on the left is in yellow. On the left calf of green electrode on the right is black.
Apply rubbing alcohol to the skin of the breast. Take the electrodes for the chest leads. They are metal hemisphere with rubber suction cups and wires of different colors. Select the electrode with the red wire, it needs to be labeled V1. Find the right edge of the sternum 4 the edge. Place the electrode V1 and the edge, moisten the skin with conductive gel. In order to keep the electrode stuck to the skin, squeeze the pear-suction Cup, attach the electrode to the skin and release the bag.
Electrode V2 that have the yellow wire put just under 4 edge, but the left edge of the sternum.
Feel the patient's left collarbone. Mentally divide it in half. The line running down through the middle of the clavicle, find 5 rib. Take the V4 electrode with a brown wire and attach it to the skin under the felt 5 rib.
The electrode V3 (it has a green wire) position between V2 and V4.
Press left hand of the patient to the torso. On a line corresponding the place of pressing the hands to the body again, look 5 rib. To the skin under the 5 rib attach the electrode with the black wire (marked with V5.
Remove the left hand of the patient from the body. On the same level as V5, but 1-2 cm closer to the couch put the last electrode V6, with blue or purple wire.
Turn on the ECG device. Check the speed of paper: 50 mm×s-1 or 25 mm×s-1. Ask the patient not to move during the study.
Click on the "start" button. After finishing ECG record tear off the paper tape, record on it the surname, name, patronymic of patient, age and date of study.
Remove the electrodes from the skin. Unplug the apparatus.