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How to reduce rapid heart rate
Bouts of heart palpitations correct rate from 90 to 240 beats per minute is called paroxysmal tachycardia. Palpitations can last from several seconds to several days. Tachycardia is supraventricular and ventricular. Supraventricular tachycardia is accompanied by a small rise in temperature, sudden sweating, loose stools and abundant urination at the end of the attack. Ventricular, is usually a harbinger of ventricular fibrillation.
You will need
- - the flowers of cornflower blue;
- - peppermint;
- pharmacy tincture of hawthorn;
- - pharmacy propolis tincture.
One of the most effective medicinal plants that is for heart palpitations is cornflower blue. Take 2 tablespoons of flowers of cornflower and brewed Cup of boiling water, leave to stand for 1-1. 5 hours. Then filter and drink 50 ml for 4 doses a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is not more than 21 days.
Peppermint also has long been used in folk medicine for all types of arrhythmias, including tachycardia. Take a teaspoon of finely okrashenii mint leaves and brewed Cup of boiling water, put 1 hour in a warm place. Strain and drink in small SIPS in the morning, half an hour before Breakfast, trying not to miss a single day of admission for 5-6 months.
With palpitations the recommended tool. Get ready at the pharmacy alcohol tincture of propolis and hawthorn, pour them in a bottle and take 25 drops three times a day for 0.5 hours before eating. In the course of treatment enough for one of drugs obtained by mixing the two liquors. After three months, if necessary, treatment repeat.
Tachycardia arising in the background stresses that can lead to atrial fibrillation and can cause other heart rhythm disorders. Therefore, if the attacks are repeated from day to day, change their attitude to the reasons causing stress, and as a result? heart palpitations.
Useful advice
The reason for the tachycardia are disturbed the activity of the nervous system. Therefore, for effective treatment of tachycardia requires treatment of the causes of cardiosclerosis, myocarditis, rheumatism, cardiac neurosis.
It is recommended to avoid heavy physical exertion, stress. Do not overeat, to avoid any irritation of the vagus nerve, inhibiting the sinus node function.
In the diet should be more fresh vegetables and fruits, foods rich in calcium, trace elements and vitamins. Foods high in cholesterol, sugar, salt, animal fats should be severely limited. As well as coffee, strong tea, alcohol.