You will need
  • examination of the animal;
  • - medications prescribed by your veterinarian;
  • processing facilities throughout the course of treatment.
If time does not take action, you may receive the otitis of the inner ear and the animal will go deaf. At a reception at the veterinarian will prescribe scraping, Cytology. On the basis of the examination will prescribed treatment. Examine the animal must, as ticks can be several types and utilities for all animals will be ineffective.
The symptoms can appear not only in adult cats or dogs, but young kittens and puppies, because the disease is highly contagious and quickly transmitted from a nursing mother.
Modern drugs to treat mites effective, safe, helping to destroy not just the mites, but the eggs. So the treatment is reduced, compared to using products of the old generation, which had no effect on the eggs, and had to continue long-term treatment.
Your pet may prescribe Ear Mite drops, bars, dekta, dicresyl, eternal, ciples, Dana, fipronil, tovadim, Tofranil, atokan, hexa-talp, otibiotic, dichloran.
Before you drip any prescribed drops, rinse the ear canal with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. Carefully wipe with a cotton pad all ear, remove crust and crawled mites, drip drops, hold the animal so they leak, wipe the ears of the new drive.
After one hour brush the outer ear any acaricide ointments: sulfur, sulfur-tar, ointment Kon'kova, Wilkinson or other. Before applying any of the funds, carefully read the annotation.
Modern drug tresaderm allows you to cure the tick completely for 14 days. "Ivomec" is administered in the form of drops or injections, but some animals cannot tolerate it.
If you have multiple animals, simultaneously treat all, regardless of whether there are manifestations of the disease or not. In addition to the main treatment guide degelmintizatsiju and apply to the withers drops against fleas. All bedding, floors, process chlorine solution. Processing habitat spend several times a day throughout the course of therapy.