If you take a puppy obtained as a result of breeding, you should know a few rules. For example, what nickname is given to him after aktirovki (litter). For the entire litter is determined by the letter, which should be the beginning of a dog name. Also, if the puppy from the kennel, its name must be present in the nickname.
For example, you have the animal in the kennel "Green meadows", and the registration control were identified by the letter "A". Therefore, call a puppy husky as follows: Green meadows Green meadows alpha or Chieftain, etc.
If you take a dog from the nursery, first determine her gender. Often in such matters, mistakes will happen. And already accustomed to your name of your pet difficult to convince that his name is now different.
For peaceful and cheerful huskies are not suitable such formidable names like Demon or Monster. And even though she is a great hunter, yet very good. Therefore the name should be appropriate.
The name of the puppy should be beautiful, harmonious and at the same time simple and short.
Avoid to name the puppy likes the name of the person. In addition, the nickname should not resemble the names of your loved ones, as well as various commands.
Give your dog a name depending on its nature. If you take a puppy to grow into a true hunter, he will fit these nicknames: Grom, Chieftain, warrior, Passion, Desperado, Brave, etc. In the case when you need a funny furry friend, it is possible to name his Faithful Friend, Kudryavka, etc.
Nicknames often do not contain any information but must still be harmonious. For example, to name the puppy likes you such beautiful names as lime, Aya, Maya, Beating and the like.
Pick up a good nickname, you can use various dictionaries. For example, give your puppy the name of a character from Greek mythology or the hero of the adventure novel.