The easiest and most affordable way is proper nutrition. In the daily diet should introduce more foods rich in pectic substances. It is primarily fruits and vegetables. They have the ability to "link" the lead and withdraw it from the body. Important clarification: you need to consume them in their raw form, without heat treatment!
It is also very useful to regularly consume dairy products such as yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream, milk, yogurt. They not only bind the lead and prevent its deposition in bone tissue.
Have the same effect, some jams, marmalade, candy. Because they are rich in pectin. Found that the most useful Apple marmalade.
Some physicians say that very effectively removes lead and other heavy metals from the body cilantro (coriander), as well as oat flakes, soaked in water or milk.
If the level of lead in the body is very high, you need drug treatment, usually in hospital. Use such methods as the purpose of selective chelators, chelating therapy. Depending on the severity of lead poisoning, chelation therapy may continue from three days to several months. As a result of such treatment the content of some trace elements in the body can decrease doctor periodically assigns vitamin supplements.
Side effects chelate therapy may include: nausea, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, rash and bruising. However, these phenomena are reversible and less severe for a person in comparison with lead poisoning.
At elevated lead in the body seek medical help. Self-medication some medications are fraught for your health.