To take pills of Valerian is much more convenient than the infusion containing the same active substance. And contrary to popular belief, they are no less effective. The alcohol contained in the liquid form of the medication is contraindicated in pregnant women and children, and tablets are suitable for these categories of people. Studies have shown that the therapeutic effect after taking the pill comes a little later than after ingestion of the tinctures, but that is the only difference between them.
Each tablet contains Valerian powder, which is obtained by grinding Valerian root or thick extract of the plant. The drug decreases heart rate and dilates blood vessels, resulting in Central nervous system activity is inhibited, and the overall mood and sleep return to normal.
Many patients are surprised when a well-known sedative as Valerian tablets is indicated for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. However, the drug really is effective for intestinal colic, since it has antispasmodic action. In this situation, you need once to take two Valerian tablets, but if we are talking about the baby, is 20 mg of medicine (i.e. one pill).
Not always a single medication is effective. And if we are talking about serious stressful situation (illness or death of a loved one) or upcoming challenges (interview for admission to work, exams), increased nervous excitability it does not withdraw, taking the occasional one or two pills. In such a situation, the doctors recommended to drink the medication before meals three times a day two pills (children will only need one).
If you're prone to insomnia or anxiety, you may need a course of pills of Valerian. Usually enough months of treatment, but in severe cases its duration can be increased. Drink two tablets three times a day before meals, and after a few days you will notice a pronounced effect of the drug. If we are talking about the child, the dose of medication necessary to reduce twice.