First of all, all used in working with children handout material must be clear. Its appearance should attract children to be bright. The colors should be natural, not to overload the attention of preschoolers. The paint should be well fixed so as not to dirty the hands of the child.
Images of animals, plants, insects also must be close to natural. It is not necessary to give children misconceptions about the objects of reality.
For children it is better to use visual materialdepicting children familiar objects and images. This will increase the interest of children to jobs.
Special attention should be paid to the materialfrom which is made of handout material. It is best to use natural materials (wood, cardboard). If for the manufacture of the materialand plastic is used, it should be checked for toxicity. Unacceptable use of breakable glass and allergenic materialov. All items must be carefully handled to avoid injuries.
When using visual materialand the lesson should take into account the age of the children. Children preschool age to give small details and the use of handout materialand is only valid with adult participation.
You have to keep the number of parts handout materialand was the same for all children. We cannot allow someone of them are not enough parts to complete the job. Worn out parts should be promptly replaced.
Storing handout materialand must be carefully considered. It is advisable to divide it according to the types of classes and topics. Depending on the type and size of the parts, you can store them in envelopes, boxes, plastic jars with screw-on lids. All handout material must be signed for further ease of use.