You will need
  • Snail, aquarium, earth, shavings, bowl, house, coconut shell, water spray, foods that contain calcium.
Buy snails. If you plan on serious business, their number should amount to about a hundred. If you want to breed without a profit (or minimum income), there will be just two instances.
Buy aquariums or boxes with tight-fitting lid. One snail should have at least 30 square centimeters of space. If you are not able to constantly control the snails, make a well in the wall or cover a few small holes for air flow. Or daily open the lid of the aquarium for a few hours. If you bought adult snails, they can be kept in the same aquarium, if the clams are small, they should settle on different aquariums. The snails can eat off the carapace of another individual, often this occurs while they are small. Large individuals harm each other less.
Equip aquariums. They must be ground, it is necessary to pour a 2-3 cm layer in one corner. The rest of the space fill in large chips. Place a container of water. It should be large in diameter and not very deep. Create some hiding places for snails. It may be special houses , or any available means, for example, the shell of a large coconut. Place a receptacle for food. All the items in the aquarium should be without sharp edges.
Run snails in the aquarium. Several times a day obrushivaet the entire aquarium water. For this fit the usual sprays. Two or three times a week, bathe the snails in cool water, the water could even be flowing.
Food snails should mostly consist of fruits, vegetables, herbs. Never let the snails salt or salty food, it can kill them. In the aquarium have to be foods that contain calcium. This can be chalk, shells of clams (you can buy them at pet stores) or egg shells.
Regularly clean the aquarium, add water to refresh the land (be sure to check that there are insects) and chips.
In the year each individual snails can produce 90,000 eggs. Mortality is around 30% . Eggs require no special care, just be careful when cleaning the aquarium.