Move all to the left side of the inequality. The right side should remain zero.
Give all members the left part of the inequality by a common denominator.
Decompose the numerator and denominator of a simple fraction.The first-degree polynomial: ax+b, a?0. Move the brackets the number standing at "x".A second order polynomial (a trinomial square): ax*x+bx+c, a?0. If x1 and x2 are the roots, then ax*x+bx+c=a(x-x1)(x-x2). For example, x*x-5x+6=(x-2)(x-3).The polynomial of the third degree and higher degrees: ax^n+bx^(n-1)+...+cx+d. Find the roots of the polynomial. To search for the roots of a polynomial, use theorem. and its corollaries. Decompose the polynomial into factors similar to the polynomial of the second degree.
Solve the resulting inequality by the method of intervals. Be careful: the denominator cannot vanish.
Take any number from the interval and check whether it satisfies the original inequality.
Write down the answer.