You will need
  • switch;
  • router or router.
If your local network created using a router or router, you must configure the device in a certain way. Connect the cable connection to the Internetth. Configure the connection to the server. For this you should use the help of specialists from your ISP, or enter all the required settings yourself.
Open the settings of the local network on each computer or laptop. To do this, locate the shortcut to your network in network connections, open its properties and select TCP/IP(v4). If your router or router supports the function of automatically issuing IP addresses by DHCP, then activate the automatic obtain IP address and DNS server.
If the DHCP function is not in your router, or the router, each computer or laptop local network to independently complete the field "IP address". 'Computers must be different from the IP address of the router only in the fourth digit. In the "Preferred DNS server" enter address of the router or of the router.
If to create a local network did you use a switch, connect the cable Internetand one of the computers. It should present as a minimum two connectors for a network cable. Configure it connect to the Internet. Open the properties for your local network and enter in the field "IP address"
Open the properties for connecting to the Internetand go to the tab "Access". Activate the item, responsible for providing shared access to the local network.
In the settings of local network, all other computers use any IP address that is different from the address of the primary computer only the last segment. Type in the field "Preferred DNS server" and "default gateway".