Interesting to know, how fast do you go? Select the track, footage of which you know (in the stadium, for example). Note the time and go at your own pace. So, if the path length of 500 meters (0.5 km) and you held it for 5 minutes, then divide 500 by 5. It turns out that your velocity is 100 m/min.

If the bike you rode her for 3 minutes, then your speed is 167 m/min.

On the machine for 1 minute, then the speed of 500 m/min.
To convert the speed from m/min to m/sec, divide the speed in m/min by 60 (number seconds in a minute).

So, it turns out that when walking your speed 100 m/min / 60 = 1,67 m/sec.

Bike: 167 m/min / 60 = 2.78 m/sec.

Machine: 500 m/min / 60 = 8.33 and m/s.
To translate velocity from m/sec into km/h speed in km/h divide by 1000 (number of meters in 1 kilometer) and the resulting number multiply by 3600 (number of seconds in 1 hour).

Thus, it appears that walking speed is 1.67 m/s / 1000*3600 = 6 km/h.

Bike: 2.78 m/sec / 1000*3600 = 10 km/h.

Machine: 8,33 m/s / 1000*3600 = 30 km/h.
To simplify the transfer speed from m/sec into km/h use a factor of 3.6, which is applied as follows: speed in m/s*3,6=speed in km/h.

Walking: 1,67 m/s*3,6 = 6 km/h.

Bike: 2.78 m/s*3,6 = 10 km/h.

Machine: 8,33 m/s*3,6= 30 km/h.

Obviously, it's much easier to remember the ratio is 3.6, than the whole procedure of multiplication is division. In this case, you will easily translate the speed from one value to another.