Know all the letters, to be able to call them in arbitrary order. In contrast to the Russian language the name of the letter and its pronunciation in the word do not always coincide. The same beech And depending on position in the word can be read as [?] and [a:]. Definitely need to learn the sounds that are indicated in the transcription. Without proper pronunciation, you are just not able to learn words by ear, but read will be completely unrecognizable dialect. To sign the transcription of Russian letters is a waste of time, sounds coincide partially, digested badly, to English have little to do.
To be able to divide words into syllables, an important skill without which to learn to read is almost impossible. You should easily identify an open or closed syllable, otherwise mistakes are inevitable. Be sure to memorize the rules of reading, whether you like it or not. One letter can change the sound beyond recognition woman-women. A significant difference between reading the words not and note. Features many hard to remember, but to know the basic laws necessary. Should once and for all learn the possible combination of consonants and vowels and their pronunciation. Example: ung, ear. For ease of remembering to do it is recommended along with the words: fire [fai?], hungry [?h??gri].
The dictionary should be always at hand, especially the first six months. If the person is fluent not fluent in English, every word must watch in the transcription. Many exceptions, the spelling has not changed for hundreds of years, the rules of reading were corrected.
After word began to be read, as it should be, you should become familiar with the English intonation, to increases and decreases of tone in the narrative, interrogative and exclamation sentences.