You will need
  • hookah tobacco tongs, charcoal
For a start, you should pay special attention to the Assembly of the hookah. Before Assembly into a vessel of the hookah is filled with water or other liquid. After that, the vessel (flask) is set mine. The lower end of the stem of the hookah should be submerged in water for 1 - 3 cm. During installation, care must be taken that the connection be as leakproof as possible.
After setting mine to the bulb attached to the hose, which is Smoking. Then mine must be connected to the Cup which will have to be tobacco. All connections must be perfectly sealed to avoid leakage of air, water and smoke.
The hookah is assembled. Now you need to check the build quality. High quality assembled hookah, usually as leakproof as possible. To check the tightness of the hole in the bowl should be covered with a hand or with the special cap and then inhale air through the hose. In the case of correct Assembly of the air must not flow into the hose. If air still comes - check all available connections.
Proceed to the gas station hookah. The first thing you need to put tobacco in the bowl. This is done by hand or with the aid of special forceps. The tobacco in the bowl should not be too tight and not too "fluffy" through it should be easy to pass air, while the upper layer is not in contact with the foil.
Next thing is shielding of tobacco with a protective screen made of metal or foil, which is done with a lot of holes. Also Smoking hookah can not ekraniziroval the Cup from coal, but this would require a special tobacco.
Charcoal is used for Smoking should be kindle (if bystrovozvodimye coal), or heat on a gas stove or with a special lighter.
After completing all the above steps and put the coal in the thicket, the hookah needs to "puff". This is done several deep puffs in which the coal attains the optimum temperature and warms up tobacco. Serving tobacco enough, usually at 35 - 60 minutes of Smoking.