To simplify the lives of patients in virtually all major cities are actively introducing new service – electronic registry. In theory, it should greatly simplify the entry of patient to the doctor. In most cases this is what happens. Especially convenient new service to the younger and middle generations who are familiar with the Internet and are active users. For them is not difficult to make an appointment at a convenient time, without losing precious time in long queues. Moreover, the process takes just a few minutes, and the ability to use a computer with Internet access is almost every – if not at home then at work.

But what do the older generation? How to enroll in the clinic? The main percentage of visitors clinics are elderly people. And for them is not only easier, comfortable and familiar make an appointment to see the doctor in a normal registry. For elderly patients is sometimes the only possible method. Indeed, the vast majority of seniors are not something that are not able to use a computer, but don't even have it. And it is unacceptable that elderly people in hospitals required to use this innovation. Normal registries are required to operate and maintain the appointment to the experts along with the electronic registry.

Of course, this does not mean that the idea of this approach is poor and not in demand. Just before you adopt this system, it is necessary to maximize, to consider all the pros and cons, to give people the opportunity to learn how to use it, and, of course, to leave the choice to use the electronic services or to make an appointment to see the doctor in a normal registry.