Help people and earn on it. Give blood in commercial hospitals, almost all paid, and most of the free hospitals suggest a reward to people willing to part with an hourTEW your bodily property. The size of this reward depends on the hospital itself and its generosity.
Try to play the stock market. It is very risky and at first seems to be a very unreliable way to make a profit. However, as practice showing, if you learn the laws of the exchange, will deal with the terms and rules and be able to catch a financial wave, you will not only for hours, but 15 minutes will be able to do a whole state.
Enjoy a preview of sites. Many online resources provide an opportunity to create your profile, register your e-wallet for a small fee to view the proposed sites. Once you understand the system, inviting or buying referrals from other users, you will be able to build a financial pyramid that is able for an hour to bring very tangible money.
In addition to "newfangled" ways to eat and quite traditional. Takehourtie in sports betting. One correct solution and, in less than an hour, you're a rich man.
Turn unwanted junk in an antique shop or pawn shop. It is possible that the hours that you have lying around for 10-15 years, are of special value which you'll buy for decent money.
Sign up at an online casino and takehourtie, playing card or other games. Simple enough, and most importantly a pleasant way to earn money in one hour.