In fact, science-based methods to determine the sex of a child before birth, are reduced to two options: ultrasonography (ultrasound) and biopsy of the chorion. Ultrasound is the most common method, unfortunately, does not give a perfect result: because in order to find out the gender, it is necessary that the pregnancy was large enough (over 23 weeks) while the fetus was located in the uterus so that you can see his sexual characteristics.
Method chorionic villus sampling is an unsafe medical procedure and involves removing the uterus with a special needle a number of cells of the placenta. Biopsy is performed for a period of from six to ten weeks on medical grounds only, as it can threaten the child's birth. So just to determine the sex of the child and satisfy his curiosity this procedure is not carried out, despite the fact that the result will be one hundred percent accurate and reliable. So often expectant mothers have no choice but to guess the sex of their child on national signs, which, by the way, there is a great variety.
For example, it is believed that if the pregnant woman's stomach protrudes up and forward, it's a boy and if the stomach is at the waist and is less visible — girl. Pay attention to the presence of toxicity — if it is strong, the probability of having a girl are high.
If a pregnant woman begins to constantly have a sweet tooth — the child is likely to be a girl, and if the meat and savoury food — boy. Of course, people signs do not pretend to exceptional authenticity. But this does not prevent them to be passed from generation to generation — because often they do coincide with reality.