You will need
  • Ruler, compass, pencil.
Draw a circle, or find the radius of the existing circle. If the circle is not specified, just draw it, setting a comfortable distance between the legs of a compass. Do not change this distance after the tracing of the circle. If you want to split an existing circle, you will have to first determine its radius. To do this, draw a segment that intersects a circle at two points A and B. Using a compass and straightedge, construct the perpendicular bisector to the segment [A; B], divide it into two equal parts. He crosses the circle at points C and D. Construct a perpendicular to the same segment [C; D]. Let it intersect the circle at the points E and F. the intersection of the segments [E; F] and [C; D] be the center of the circle. Put the needle of a compass at any point on the circle and move the other leg so that it was installed in the point of intersection of the segments [E; F] and [C; D]. The radius of the circle found.
Divide the circumference into six parts. Install the needle of a compass at any point on the circle. Draw two arcs that intersect the circle at two points. The distance between the legs of the compass should be equal to the radius of the circle. In other words, it has to be that as established in the previous step. Move the leg of a compass with the needle in the intersection of the arcs and one circle. Again watertite two arcs that intersect the circle. Move the compasses to the next point of intersection of the arcs of the circle and create arcs until you find the six points that divide the circumference into six equal parts. Let it be point A, B, C, D, E, F.
Construct a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle. For this purpose connect the dots A-B-C-D-E-F-A.
Divide the circumference into twelve parts. Construct a perpendicular to the segments [A; B], [B; C], [C; D], dividing them into two equal parts. Let the points of intersection of these normals with the circumference will be A', B', C', D', E', F'. The points A, A', B, C', C, E, D, B', E, D', F divide the circumference into twelve equal parts.