It is quite often a disease such as thrombosis of the veins of the legs. When the veins become clogged, the blood can not move freely on them. Because of the violation of the outflow of blood is her stasis with edema and blue discoloration of the skin in the place where a clot formed in his leg. Thrombosis may, in case of detachment from the venous wall lead to blockage of the lumen of the pulmonary artery. In this case there is a dangerous disease – thromboembolism.

Inflammation of a vein can also lead to blockage of the veins by a blood clot. Then there is the thrombophlebitis. Major signs of blood clot in the leg: swelling, pain, increased body temperature of the patient. Thrombophlebitis is often the result of varicose veins in the legs. Diagnosis of the presence of thrombosis is carried out on the basis of symptoms and conducting ultrasonography and venography, MRI.

Thrombophlebitis, where a blood clot forms in the leg, treated using medicines and remedies that can reduce svorachivanie blood. If the disease is not treated, it cut off the blood clot in the leg can get to the heart and blood vessels, which in practice often leads to various serious complications, until the sudden death.

Causes of blood clots several. Thrombosis occurs if, for example, a person is not moving for three days or more (for example, after surgery) or immobilized for a long time (for example, paralyzed patients during a long absence of motion). Also increased blood viscosity can cause prolonged dehydration. It can cause lack of drink in hot weather, burns, and various infectious diseases. Violation of blood coagulation can occur due to the presence of oncological diseases of various organs. Sometimes it can be congenital, that is acquired in the womb.

To prevent the formation of thrombosis to exclude major risk factors. If you have multiple risk factors, in this case, the doctor should prescribe a specific set of medications and methods that will prevent the development of thrombosis.

Among the risk factors are the following: old age, obesity, presence of tumors of various kinds, prolonged lack of movement in the legs for three or more days, long trips, air travel over long distances, pregnancy and recent childbirth, diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Sometimes thrombosis may be asymptomatic or may arise from a number of attributes. This can be swelling in the lower third of the leg (calf region), pain at motion, especially in flexion of the foot, increased sensitivity of the skin of the feet.

Treatment of thrombosis depends on such factors as the cause of the disease, age, etc. If the clot is securely attached to the wall of the vein, prescribe medication, and if there is a risk of separation, performed thrombectomy (surgical removal of the thrombus). In the presence of thrombosis, patients should comply with bed rest.

The acute form of thrombosis require immediate surgical intervention, especially for patients with diseases that directly threaten the functionality of the limbs. In other cases, it is advisable to conservative treatment after a full examination of the health status of the patient. The sooner you begin treatment, the better the result and less there is no negative consequences and complications of venous disease.