Visit the shop "Free style". It is located at the address: Moscow, Skolkovskoe shosse, 31, TC "Sport hit", second floor, room 36. The store has a large selection of Hawaiian shirts in different sizes and shades at a price of 1500 rubles. Shop phone: (495)980-66-85.

You can buy authentic Hawaiian shirts in Moscow, by visiting our store "Jeans from America", located at: Aseeva str., 3, metro station "Airport". Here are models of such brands as Pacific Legend, Matched Pocket, etc. the Average cost of one shirt is 3,000 rubles - for this price you get a real Hawaiian quality. If you are interested in cheaper models which are imitation Hawaiian shirts, you can also buy them in the aforementioned store at a price 600-800 rubles.

Many residents of Moscow to order Hawaiian shirts are special online resources producing direct supply from America. This way, you can avoid buying fakes, made in China, under the guise of the original.

To buy this Hawaiian shirt take advantage of the online shop us-brand. The website presents a variety of Hawaiian shirts at affordable prices from 1000 rubles apiece. Delivery to Moscow is about 500 rubles per kg and the duration is 7-10 days. With all other conditions and methods of ordering Hawaiian shirts from America can be found on the website of the online store.

Go to the website of another online store – Gavaika, directly providing Hawaiian shirts from America. The store is full of shirts of various colors and sizes. Now Hawaiian quality buttons made from bamboo – all offers of this distributor of fashionable clothes. For the raw material used exclusively high-quality materials. The average price presented on the site the shirts is 2100 rubles. You can contact the store Manager by phone in Moscow: +7 (917) 5779613 and to learn ways of ordering and receiving the goods.