To protect yourself from zvontsov can folk remedies. This would require the Bush tomato. Mosquitoes hate the smell of tomato leaves and then fly away, only sensing it.
Keep midges will help the most common Wheatgrass. Picking up a handful of the roots of couch grass, pour liters of water and boil to the point where the broth will take a light yellow color. They wipe the exposed parts of the body.
Mosquitoes hate the smell of clove, eucalyptus, anise and cedar. You can butter these plants are exposed areas of the body.
Another means is dried chamomile. You can chop it, folded into a little bag and carry. Chamomile affects the nerve cells zvontsov, but for humans it is harmless.
You can take the needles of juniper, pine or spruce cones, camphor and set fire. The smell quickly spread closer than five meters, flies will not fly up.
But not everyone will want to use folk remedies to combat biting. There is two major classes, to combat and protect from mosquitoes: insecticides and repellents. Each of these classes is divided into groups.
One of the groups is an Electromechanical means for the destruction of biting. The primary tool of this group is the antimosquito lamp. The light of a UV lamp attracts mosquitoes and other flying insects that die immediately, hitting on the high-voltage grid, which is hidden in the middle of the lamp.
There are also chemicals to kill mosquitoes or animals. It is solid, gaseous or liquid chemicals.
There are still ultrasonic means of repelling blood-sucking. Made them recently, and they are the most effective in terms of protection and elimination of lice, as in nature. The principle of operation is based on the fact that the bite only those females zvontsov who need food for nurturing the next generation of mosquitoes. Repeller mimics the sound of mosquitoes-the males to attract mosquito females from the purpose of fertilization. However, the fertilized females of this sound already can not bear, and they try to fly away from him as possible.