You will need
  • - a mitre box or template
  • - a sharp knife
In any room has corners and the corners are not only internal but also external. These angles can be seen in the rooms with niches. In a perfect room with smooth walls, the fillet should be cut at an angle. But external and internal corners are distinguished by the location of the top and bottom.
A mitre box is a special tool in the form of chutes with slots. In the gutter lay the fillet, and the slots hold a knife. Two slots located in two sides of the angle and one cut vertically.
To make the outer corner, insert the fillet in a mitre box and cut so that the upper part of the plinth were compared to the bottom. To make an internal corner, cut the fillet underneath so that the lower part of the floor protruded. View drawing, the upper part of the throat is marked with a blue line.
If not mitre, draw a curve, you have to cut the plinth. You can use a square to draw. The knife must be very sharp and smooth. A hacksaw and other serrated blades bad cutting ceiling moldings, it crumbles, falls to pieces. All this leads to a messy mind slice.
Rarely of the room with the correct and smooth walls, therefore it is sometimes advisable to cut the angle for one part of the floor at an angle, and the other gradually adjust so that the slices coincide with each other, and the skirting boards were leaning against the wall. In any case, all the irregularities can be filled with sealant.
Sometimes the stores sell already decorated the corners of the fillets. You can use them, then you have to cut the fillets across just exactly that much easier.