In the milk of the goat contains a large number of biologically active substances, and protein and fat globules smaller, therefore, for baby food, goat milk is even more acceptable than cow's.
Goat milk contains many vitamins and minerals. Cow's milk, of course, very useful, but goat the concentration of nutrients is much higher.
Rich in calcium and phosphorus of goat milk is very useful for the formation of bones, hair and nails in children, as well as for metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system. Is rich milk and vitamins C, D, And b vitamins, essential to a child's growing body. Useful of goat milk is also due to the high content of potassium, which is necessary for normal activity of the cardiovascular system.
However, goat milk can not replace breast milk women, as it has a quite different proteins. Women's milk refers to the albumin protein products, and goat – casein, and cow.
But when artificial feeding baby goat's milk is very useful as it is a great vitamin Supplement for the baby. Besides the milk of the goat contains almost no lactose that babies are often allergic to.
Experts believe that giving goat milk child can be 3 months. The milk should be fresh, and feeding the baby it is diluted in a ratio of 1:1 with warm boiled water. The daily rate of goat milk for infants – not more than 50 g, for children older than years – 100 g, and children from 12 years and adults should not drink more than a glass of goat milk a day.
Goat milk is stored for long, as it very quickly microbes evolve. Even boiled goat's milk turns sour much faster than cow. So before giving goat milk child, make sure that it is fresh and contains no additives.