You will need
  • Passport, birth certificate may need to collect additional required Bank documents, including a certificate of regular income, to fill the provided questionnaire.
The loan can be taken in any currency of your choice. Maturities vary from 10 to 30 years, place on smaller terms is not profitable, because mortgage payments are too high. The amount of monthly payments should not exceed 30% of the salary of the borrower.
To obtain a loan from a foreign Bank or through an intermediary, or independently. In Italy, lent is not so easy, the Italian banks can borrow at only half the value of the collateral and the client must have the residence permit. French banks are happy to lend to non-residents and the interest rates they have are quite attractive. Greek banks offer loans only to residents of the European Union, however, as German banks, Czech and Slovak. Cyprus banks to lend to everyone and loyal to be provided by the borrower documents.
Before checking the creditworthiness of the borrower was purely conditional, now the deadlines are slightly increased for a thorough study of the documents of the applicant for the loan.
For the Bank loan is the main source of income. Loan agreement the foreign Bank must contain a description of the procedures for the sale of collateral, the borrower has the full right to sell the property without any approvals from the Bank and the buyer himself to renew the loan. Banks prefer customers who are recommended by any of the local companies. The credit will be issued if the selected Bank determines that you will return with interest without complications the entire amount. Banks are not interested customers who may experience difficulty paying because then they have to resell the collateral.