You will need
  • - knowledge of the rules of grammar, punctuation and stylistics of the Russian language;
  • - knowledge and personal experience in a particular area;
  • computer;
  • -access to the Internet.
Go to the website of the company "Relevant Media" and sign up, fill in all mandatory fields (personal details, registration address, telephone, VAT number, certificate number of the FIU, the banking details for the transfer of your earnings). Attach an example of your own text on any subject, in the presence of a link to the source. After consideration of the company's employees you will soon be able to choose and perform tasks.
Before you begin, carefully read the instructions, links to which are presented on your desktop. This will help to avoid many errors that lead to refund and the rejection of your texts. It is advisable to also see the user manual for the editor, which will help to understand what will follow people, which will be paid for your work or not.
Click on the tab labeled "Find jobs" and using the directory, select the most suitable. The panel on the left side of the page will allow you to filter only the topics that interest you. After clicking the Run button the selected title is added to your tasks list.
Click on the Jobs tab, select the one which you think fit to start, while not forgetting the guidelines and requirements texts and their design. At any time you can save a draft. Ready press the "Save and send" and skip to the next heading. If the text is returned, read the comments of the editor and correct the deficiencies. To access the text, you can use the button "Change".
Money for texts adopted in the period from Monday to Sunday, company will transfer into your checking account the next week, usually on Wednesday. Billionaire this work, of course, will not do. But with good health and normal possession of pen can become a nice extra or even primary source of income, comparable with the average earnings of the so-called "office plankton", and even exceeding that.