To pay off credit card Sberbank you can in different ways. Just choose the one you most comfortable. For example, you can repay the debt without leaving home. For this you will need to work with the system "Sberbank Online". However, it is possible that if you have profitable plastic card received in the Bank. Login using the ID and password of the subscriber. Select the "Payments" section. Then find the category "Credit". In these fields, enter the number of your contract or credit card and the amount you wish to Deposit. Then proceed to the tips system. Press "Pay". And all your the loan is repaid.
Can use services of "Mobile banking". The principle of operation it is quite simple. Your yield card issued by a Bank linked to your mobile phone. If the card account you have enough funds to repay the loan, you need to send SMS to number 900. The text of the message as follows: a LOAN or KREDIT, followed by a space and the number of your loan account (20 digits). Again a space, and then specify the amount you need your card to write off. If you have one phone number is registered to several payment cards at the end of the message text, enter the last 5 digits of your credit card. In response you will receive an SMS with confirmation of payment.
Alternatively, you can pay the loan you can directly in the branch of the Bank through the payment terminal. For this you will need to use their profitable card. On the screen, select the necessary section, and then enter the card number or the credit agreement. Specify the amount to be paid. Click "Confirm" or "Pay" will receive a check. Your credit card is closed.
Through ATM you can pay in cash. For this you will need the terminal, which does not give, but rather takes money. On the principle of operation is the same as when paying with the card. Enter the contract number, specify the amount and upload it to our terminal money. We can only wait for the check.
If you are a customer of another Bank, pay off credit card Sberbank cashless. For this you need to make a transfer of funds from one account to another. Write the corresponding statement in its servicing Bank. And experts themselves will transfer money to the account of the creditor-organization.
Can pay the credit ahead of schedule with the help of experts of the savings Bank. To do this you need to come into the branch of Sberbank on the date of your next payment, write a statement and provide for payment all of the required amount.