First, you have the ability to disable the "Kaleidoscope" through a special application. It is in your mobile phone. Open menu, then select "Settings". Go to the column "Broadcasting" and click "Disable". Don't forget to save the changes.
The cancellations are possible by sending SMS to number 5038. In the text be sure to include the word stop or stop. As soon as the operator processes your application, they will send you a message about the disconnection was successful "Kaleidoscope".
Deactivation of services in the "MegaFon" is also possible thanks to the self-service system "Service-Guide". To use it, go to address Please note: login requires a password (it can be set by calling the customer service of the company). After login you will be on the main page. There you will see the "Rates and services", click on it. In the list that appears, select the desired and off. Then click "Make changes".
Please contact the salon operator. His staff will help you to deactivate a desired service. If you don't know the address of the nearest salon, visit the official website of "MegaFon" and click on the tab "Help and service".
Entities are given the opportunity to deactivate the service by sending an email to the company. Submit an application either in person, or send by Fax 8-495-504-50-77.
To state your request over the phone. To contact the operator, dial on the keypad the number 8-800-333-05-00. The service will be disconnected immediately after receiving the oral statement.