To determine the annual payroll, first calculate the average wage of employees of your company. Because the salaries or wage grades all different and therefore different salaries, define the integral indicator that characterizes its average level (WT). It is calculated as the quotient of the amount of money spent over the past period (year) on salaries of employees of the company (FROM) their average number (SC): Sz = IN / be S. p. S.
Depending on the task in front of you, in the economic analysis average wage can be determined based on the actual time, day or annual payroll that were defined for previous periods. The average wages for any payroll period, calculate by the formula Sz = / K, where K is the number of man-hours worked during the billing period, and – the actual payment for their work in the same period.
In the actual wage per hour working time, which essentially is a time-payroll, including payroll of stilistov and time-worker, calculated on the basis of wage rates, wage, hours worked and number of employees. It will also include kladny Fund managers and professionals paid under the collective agreement of the award and compensation (overtime, poor working conditions, management team, etc.).
Calculating the daily wage, keep in mind in addition to time of the Fund, those payments that relate to it: Teens for part-time work and breastfeeding mothers. In the calculation of the annual Fund, which is based on the day, consider additional wages included in the one-year period. This is the amount paid to employees for ordinary and additional leave, payment of student's vacations and those associated with the performance of public duties.
Target payroll for the coming year (Fspg) calculate by the formula Fspg = Sscg * Czg, where Sscg – average number of employees per year, Sz – the average salary per year.