You will need
- – material for pasting (avtokozha, Alcantara, fabric, felt or imitation leather);
- glue;
- – Hairdryer
- – a tool (scissors, brushes, knife, etc.);
- – sandpaper.
Choose the right material for pasting the salon. It can be avtokozha, upholstery fabric, imitation leather, felt or Alcantara. The last material is an artificial ultramicrofibre of non-woven polyester fiber coated with polyurethane. Due to its strength characteristics, it surpasses even natural leather.
As glues are the best English Fentac aerosols and Tuskbond and German glue Kleiberit. The latter is particularly good for laminating items that are in the process of operation can become very hot from sunlight (dashboard, for example). Can also be used 88th and glue "Moment".
In General, the technology of pasting consists of the following operations: cutting of a piece of material of desired size and shape greasing adhesive (double – material and single – pasted over footage), overlay and clamp (stitched) material.
Before stick the skin to the surface of a convex shape, soak it in warm, but not hot water for about 2-3 hours. Stretch wet skin to be pasted on detail and dry with a Hairdryer in this situation. As a result, the material will take the form basically the details. Then RUB it twice with the glue drying layers, apply glue to the detail – also with the drying and tighten the skin on the pasted over land, simultaneously warming it with a Hairdryer. When the adhesive skin densely covered the surface.
And pasting the parts with too much variation in shape, before you label stitch material cover in the form of the part. Seams must be located exactly on the corners of the surface. From accuracy of manufacturing of case depends on the quality of laminated surface.
Other materials are not subjected to soaking. Just promazyvaetsya with the adhesive are dried and fixed to the pasted over surface. Drying the dryer in time stickers allows you to make the glue more soft and supple and provides the best adhesion. When spreading the glue Alcantara, avoid excess, otherwise it will show through on the other side and make the front surface hard, worsening its appearance.
Places with the joints, zapressovyvat the edges of the material in them with a spatula or a narrow screwdriver. At a particularly difficult edge the edge is shaped triangular petals, which when laying interlock with each other, forming on the crest of the fold.
At pasting of plastic surfaces to improve the adhesion, they can be treated with sandpaper. In those places which are difficult to paste accurately, apply the decorative elements of Alcantara. They will help to disguise the flaws.