Start to bathe babyonly when heal umbilical wound. The first water treatment it is better to organize in a baby bath. Thoroughly wash it before using. It is advisable to clean the bath no chemicals, and regular soda. A couple of weeks bathing you can have a swim and in the adult bath – here the baby can freely move my arms and legs. And this is a good exercise.
Start with the so-called "adaptive swimming" - put the baby in the tub in linen. So he more calmly react to the changing environment around them. Before the dive, measure the water in the tub – it should be exactly 37 degrees.
If the child has a rash on the ass, can be added to water decoction of a succession. Other herbs pediatricians advise to use with caution – a baby may cause allergies.
While bathing, hold the child firmly. On a forearm of the hand put the head of the baby, and brush, grasp his shoulder. Smile and talk to the baby. You can sing him a song. Free hand to wash the baby. Apply foam and soap for bathing just a couple of times a week to not wash away the natural protective layer of the skin.
Some doctors believe while washing boys, including infants, need a little pull back the foreskin and wash the glans of the penis. In order to prevent infection. Other experts believe in their infancy to push the foreskin is harmful. First, can damage – fully open it will only be for 3 years. Second, there is a possibility of infection. If, however, you decide "there" to wash – do not overdo it. Don't try hard to bare little body and do not use soap. Even better – add to the bath decoction of chamomile.
At first, don't bathe baby more than 10 minutes. During this time, pour in the tub of warm water to cold.