If you have already installed the program, just run it. Using the control panel, turn on the mixer. You will then see a dialog that lists the available drivers. Of them you must choose only one (the one through which you want to record). An example of such a driver may be Realtek. After performing all the necessary actions, close the window.
Now you will need a record button, click on it. After the menu appears, select the box Audio into the playlist as an audioclip. Immediately after that will be the countdown time. And as soon as installed three seconds elapses, recording starts file. You can stop it at any time using the "Stop" button. The recording process of the file and exhausted.
However, you will need another and processing the created material. Once you save the file, reopen it using the program FL Studio. Once you do that, print the material on any mixer channel (let's say on the third or fourth, it's not really does not matter). Please note that to perform this action you will need to open the same tab in the first step. When listening to a music file, you probably hear the background noise. To get rid of it (or at least make it not so noticeable), you can thanks to the Limiter. The rest of the processing is done, as a rule, already completely to your liking.
A good and easy addition to this program may be the Adobe Audition application. It will be useful in case if you have voice recording, and you want to impose on her music (or Vice versa). It should be noted that it is quite simple: to record a minus, for example, click the button called "Multitrack". This will open a window with a list of music files. Select, and then click the icon "R" or "Z" (depending on what language works program installed on your computer).