You will need
  • - aspirin;
  • - lemon juice;
  • - yeast;
  • - al;
  • - milk;
  • - clay;
  • - mint;
  • - boric alcohol;
  • - med.
Make a mask out of aspirin. To do this, crush the pills in water – take 1 drop 1 piece of 0.5 mg per pulp add a teaspoon of honey and mix well. This mixture is put into place redness. Even try a bit of massaging, rubbing it. After 20-30 minutes rinse with warm water. The pimple should disappear quickly, the very next day.
If you tried to squeeze the acne, the result of which was the redness and the skin is swollen, try to save the situation by a mask of white or blue clay. Dilute the clay with water to a thick mass, and apply on the face. Soak one hour and rinse. This mask reduces redness and give the skin a healthy appearance.
Slight redness resulting from skin irritation as the result of squeezing pimples, can be removed with a lotion of mint. It is a medicinal plant rich in essential oils that soothe the skin, normalizes blood circulation. Pour 2 tbsp. l. grass Cup water and bring to a boil. Drain, cool and add 1 tsp lemon juice, 4 tsp boric alcohol. This homemade lotion wipe the face every half hour. The effect comes very quickly.
Make a mask of yeast. To do this, dissolve them with milk to a thick cream and lubricate the skin. Rinse after half an hour. In the water you can add a little lemon juice.
It relieves skin irritation and mask of crimson. It will require the leaves of this "family doctor", aged in the refrigerator for at least a week. Chop 1-2 leaves of aloe to a pulp, add 200 ml of water and allow to steep for an hour. Then strain and apply on the face. Rinse after 15-20 minutes. If you do this procedure every 1-1. 5 hours, you will be able to return the skin a healthy appearance even in this day.