If claims to the quality of the dress you have, but it does not fit in color, style or size, there is a time limit of 14 days from the date of purchase, when you can exchange or return it to the seller.
According to article 25 of the act, to exchange or return a dress you can only for the above reasons, and not because you don't like it. The seller in this case is obliged to first offer you a product of similar quality and purpose to the exchange. Only when no other suitable dress was not among the models, you are obliged to return money for the goods within three days.
If you find a defect in the clothing – curves, lines, patches, holes, tightening, you may return a defective product during the year. In this case you should write the application addressed to the Director of the storeand, referring to article 4 of the Law, ask him to refund the amount paid. Attach to the application a copy of the document confirming that the dress was purchased in this storeE. This document is a receipt, which is mandatory to specify the name of the seller. Write the statement in two copies – give one to the store, and the second let you will put the incoming number, his you take.
A missing check can replace three witnesses who can confirm that you have purchased a defective outfit from this seller. But if the matter comes before the court such evidence, the court may not find sufficient. So save all your receipts if you are not sure that will be wearing the purchased item.
Upon return of clothing in the store met stringent requirements, so there are no signs that it was worn. All the factory tags and labels must be retained and attached to the dress.