In many ways, the certification is similar to the classic exam and often causes staff a lot of worry and doubt. To withstand this test with flying colors, you need to have all the necessary information about the upcoming test. Usually about the upcoming certification of workers informed no later than two weeks. During this time, carefully read the evaluation criteria carefully work through the questions for the exam. In many enterprises there are methodical instructions for conducting appraisals, they will also help you to understand the upcoming procedure.
Not the last role in the preparatory phase of certification will play your behavior. Do not panic and do not share with colleagues their fears, radiate confidence. In addition, during the certification authorities will remember first and foremost about your achievements over the last weeks, so try in every way to show your professionalism in this time, but don't overdo it.
Before the test, do not take a strong or untested sedatives, they can dramatically slow down your reaction. During the interview keep inner peace. The man who clearly and confidently say a few points, will look much better than the one who is long and inconsistent to try to tell as much as possible. Pose during a performance to be loose and relaxed, but not vulgar. When answering questions, use your charm, try to control the situation and not to lose my temper.
Regardless of the outcome of the appraisal keep a positive attitude. If the Commission hinted at the fact that you lack certain skills, calmly take note of this. In the future, you will be able to improve their work based on comments. In addition, certification is an invaluable experience that will help you prepare for the new test much more thoroughly.