Set your priorities. A reasonable person, of course, you will understand that to take all at once he did not succeed. If you're determined to get from his life are all worth thinking about what exactly is included in your personal concept of it all. For some it is wealth, for others - a rich spiritual life. There are many options, so mark the approximate list of what you want.
Create frame-limiters. Often in the pursuit of pleasure, which will surely be on your list, people lose control. To reach ecstasy by the insured of a jump from the waterfall, the love of a woman or drugs - different paths lead to different consequences. Prioritize.
Expand your social circle. Interesting people leading you in different places and situations, able to show a lot more than you will be able to see for yourself. So try to join in the company, different from each other. So you can explore a lot of new sensations.
Broadens the mind. In order to take from life everything you need to know much. Soak up knowledge like a sponge, lay in the history of countries, cultures and religions, read the book, study other materials available. Without knowledge of the full life impossible.
Do not focus on achieving one of the goals is a recipe for failure in other directions. Try not to give in to one direction. For example, if you decided to visit the jungle in hard to reach civilization areas, do not forget that you need to earn a lot of money to take care of the equipment and experienced travel companions. And all of this takes time. Until it is, you will have time to recover from life many charms.
Do not deny yourself. Of course, within reasonable limits. If you want something, so why would it not acquire? Again, try to stick with the framework reasonable. If you buy an expensive car, you will surely get satisfaction. But if you're going to buy food, you should consider the proportionality of acquired and lost under the act.