You will need
  • - The housing code of the Russian Federation;
  • - passport of a person other than the owner;
  • - passport of the person who is the owner of the property;
  • - certificate of ownership;
  • - application forms;
  • - documents confirming the validity of the reasons for the discharge.
Talk to the man that was with you in the same house, apartment. Ask him to voluntarily go with you to the passport office and write asmiling of the housing. If you have a property right to a living space, that is, are the owner, explain that to go peacefully and you and the person you wish to remove from registration, less costly from all sides: financial, moral.
When the person you are going to write of houses, apartments, according to the de-registration, take your passport and identity document of another person living at the same address. Come with the passport office of the city where is living room. Ask the application specialists of the body. Citizen written statement on how to remove it from registration. In the content part of the document specifies the address where the house is located, apartment. The statement is sent to the head of the passport office. For some time the person is discharged. Inform the housing office of the number was, because the charges are made by multiplying the number of prescribed persons for the rate of consumption of water, electricity, heating.
When to peacefully resolve the issue of discharge is not obtained, contact the court at the place of your registration. Make a statement, to specify his request for withdrawal of registration of a person living in the same house, apartment. Specify the reason you wish to subscribe the person. With the available documentary evidence attach them to the application. As regulated by the Housing code of the Russian Federation, a person need to register with another apartment. So before you remove from registration the citizen, it is necessary to have a living space. In the absence of such, the court may order, under which he is entitled temporarily to reside at this address as long as necessary.