If you found this order of the house, find out first with relatives whom he could belong. View old family documents and letters. It is possible that you will find the order of thecal book or mention of the award in existing correspondence. If you find out who it belongs to, please contact the Public electronic Bank of documents (, established by the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. There you will be able to know what was the order of your relative.
Visit website where there is the most complete catalog of Russian and Soviet order ofov. Look in the directory such order. If there is, determine the awards which Agency it belongs to. Send the request to the appropriate files, indicating the number of your order, and get the information you need. However, before you find out who owns the orderissued by the Ministry of defence of the USSR or the Russian Federation, you will have to apply to the military enlistment office with a written statement. Without permission from the military to the information stored in the archives of these departments, you will not be allowed.
If this order belongs neither to the Soviet nor the Russian, visit the website and look at the constantly updated catalogue in which the state could assign such awards. Interact on the forum of this site if this orderand in the catalog yet. Take a picture of it and create a topic to determine its origin. Find out how to access the archives of other countries. It is possible that this service is not free, but in any case do not give money to anybody without confidence that the information you received is genuine.
Be prepared for the fact that the archival information that interest you, you will not get. This can happen for two reasons: either the documents on the order ofe is still classified, or have been lost.