Pin-code is designed to block the owner's personal data contained on the SIM card such as phone book and messages as well as phone number. The pincode is requested when switching on phone with SIM card. If you need to disable it, make the operation settings in the mobile. In case you forgot the pincode, you can find it on the packaging from the SIM card. If you had already entered it three times incorrectly, thereby locking the SIM card, you can enter the Pakcode, which you can find on the package of SIM cards. Otherwise, you'll need to contact your mobile operator. Provide your passport details, then you will be able to replace your SIM card, saving a dedicate phone number.
Lock the phone is designed to prepyatstvovat the third party access to information contained in its memory in case of loss or theft of the device. The request for its entry appears when you turn on your mobile. If you know this code, you can disable it in the security settings of your cell; in the case if you don't know, skip to the next step.
Use the search engine to find the official website of the manufacturer of your mobile phone. You can also find his address in the instructions for your cell phone. Click on it and find it contact technical support. Report the IMEI number and serial number of your mobile phone. You can find this information on the back panel of the phone, under the battery. Request a code reset and code reset firmware. The application of the first codeand will reset all settings, including the code of the phone, to factory settings. Use codeand reset the firmware and will erase all of your personal data contained in the memory of the phone. Of course, you can find these codes and online, but the most reliable way is to request them from the manufacturer of your cell phone.