You will need
- - bran;
- - sweet potato;
- - a sedative.
Include in the diet of your pet wheat or oat bran. For an animal weighing less than 15 kg add to conventional doses of half a teaspoon, the larger two spoons.
Show the dog to the vet and ask them to assign any set of medicinal plants aimed at the expulsion of worms from the body. Be sure to check the dosage and method of administration of the therapeutic composition.
Give four-legged friend a Yam or sweet potato. It will help improving digestion and strengthen the stomach, which suffers as a result of worm infestation. Large specimens can give 1-2 tablespoons of sweet potato a day, and the dog weighing less than 15 kg - two teaspoons.
Add to food spicy seasonings. In the intestine creating a hostile environment, they contribute to the complete expulsion of the parasites from the body. Start with a few grains or drops, and increase the dose until the pet he will not abandon the "spicy food".
Choosing anthelmintic drugs narrow spectrum of activity, be sure to consult about the expediency of their application at the vet. It is important to know the dosage and method of administration of the drug for your dogbecause it is toxic. It is necessary to consider the physiological state of the animal, the health of the body, what other medicines to give a dog, and how they will affect the absorption and action of anthelmintic drugs.
Do not give the dog anthelmintic during pregnancy or lactation, as this may have a negative impact on the health of the young. It is best to deal with the expulsion of the worms for 10-14 days before the planned mating. If you hold the treatment of the mother before mating failed to banish worms puppies can be no earlier than 21 days after birth.
Check with the veterinary clinic about what complications and side effects can occur as a result of treatment, and how you can help your pet to cope with them.