You will need
  • - access to databases.
According to the statistics of the most frequent queries to databases of traffic police are connected with the search of car owners. Search is much easier if you know state license plates.
During the search, one can obtain exhaustive information about a specific owner, but also a registration card for the car. It contains full details of the person in whose name the vehicle is registered.
If the owner is a legal person, the window contains information about the name of the company, actual address, INN, OGRN, OKPO and phone. If the physical - that indicates his surname, name and patronymic, passport data, registration address and phone number.
Some systems based on the database of the traffic police, carried out search of the owner not only full room Gosznak, but also in his fragment, creating a list of possible matches to further filter vehicle from the list of results.
There are intelligent search engines in which to start the search for even not filled the field "State registration number". In this case, a sample from the database is the number of the region, models and color machines, it is possible to enter a description of the appearance of the owner.
Search owner by car number can only be done in the databases of traffic police, similar systems of other agencies shall search the person sought only according to the personal data (surname, name and patronymic).
On the black market can easily be purchased on the media database of the traffic police, but it is better to use online access. Information placed on the net, constantly actualizarea that will help avoid possible complications, in case of receiving distorted information on wanted owner of the vehicle.