Check the machine number and find out the name of its owner can be on the electronic database of the numbers of traffic police. Now she is often found in the vast expanses of the Internet. Download database from the Internet, save it on your computer, open it and search for any license plate. You will soon receive detailed information about the owner of the car. Usually in the electronic database of license plates recorded name (surname, name, patronymic) the owner of the car, his place of residence (registration), date of birth, phone number, car brand, number, and year of car.
An electronic database of vehicles there are also some specialized points of sales. For a fee, you learn necessary information quickly and without unnecessary red tape at the offices of the state traffic Inspectorate. However, we must remember that the data may be outdated. Therefore, the traffic police remains the only reliable and valid source of information.
In the presence of acquaintances in the traffic police check your information obtained from public sources, the details of the inspection and try to solve the problem with the owner of the vehicle yourself, or write a statement to the police.
If you cannot find information via the Internet will go directly to the traffic police, where you provide information about who the car is registered. Also if there is a need for monetary compensation for the damage caused by the driver of the car, write the application in law enforcement agencies, who will open against the malefactor criminal case.
Note also the lack of numbers on the car. This is a violation of applicable law. Finding the Parking lot an unmarked car, you have every right to contact the police with a complaint.