Here are a few old tips for conceiving a baby:

• We need to buy some children's thing (the little booties, hat) and each time to imagine the baby. The more often you submit, the faster it will appear.

• To acquire the house ficus Benjamin and put him into the bedroom. Property of this plant is to absorb negative energy.

• A few sprigs of willow or willow need to put at home. This prolific tree carries the strongest energy.

• There are many different herbs to help with infertility (knotweed, upland uterus). Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor.

• A very common way is to drink or eat from the same dish with a pregnant.

• Sit on a chair after the pregnant.

• Pat her pregnant belly.

• Should use products, of which there is a new life (egg, caviar, sunflower seeds).

• On the wedding ribbon is to tie it to any fruit tree.

• Making love is two in the morning, saying that at this time there is a hormonal peak.

• Before intercourse to drink the Holy water and to pray.

• Couples who are unable to have a child is to seal their ties of spiritual (Church wedding).

• The elephant is considered a symbol of fertility. You can buy various statuettes and action figures of elephants.

• To drink breast milk. Of course not everyone like this way, but that really will not do in order to get pregnant.

• To visit the Church where the icon of St. Matrona to light a candle and pray.

• Should be more feminine, to forget about jeans and trousers and wear only dresses and skirts.

• To get a fruitful fish, such as guppies.

• If the house comes to a stray cat or dog is to adopt. Say, the animal shelter, soon pregnancy.

• Cross stitching is also considered a folk remedy for pregnancy.

Tips for planning a pregnancy is very much important to believe it and always think about what you want and expect, and certainly all will come true, because all thoughts are material.