To lose weight, give up sweets. You need to completely avoid foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates. Forbidden candy, cakes, pies, scones and even white bread. The less sugar will be on the menu, the better effect should be expected. Remember that fizzy drinks, pasta, fruit juices do not help to lose weight and they will also have to refuse.
To lose weight, you need to eat regularly. Meals a day must be at least 4 and better 5 or 6. In this chart you will eat every 2 hours, this will not give you the ability to get hungry, but it is very good to stimulate the metabolism. The first meal organize half an hour after waking and the last 4 hours before going to bed. Every time there is a need for a little bit, the portions need to choose small, sometimes it will be enough to eat an average Apple, to be satisfied.
Before Breakfast you need to drink a glass of warm water, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. This will help the body to tune in to the food, will reduce the feeling of hunger. During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid, remember that it is best absorbed by water, not tea, coffee or herbal infusions.
To lose weight in a week, you need to arrange a 2 day fasting. The break in between is necessary in 2-3 days. One day eat only green apples. Do not forget about water. All you can eat 2 kg of delicious fruit. Second day - kefir. Drink only dairy products with low fat content. To make it easier to survive such loads, does not begin in the morning and evening. Hours from four in the evening go for yogurt or fruit and finish unloading at 4 PM the next day.
To lose weight need to choose the right foods. It is better to combine protein and vegetable fiber. Choose lean meats, fish, soft cheese and plenty of vegetables. Expect the diet each day should consist of 300 g of the protein product and 300 g of vegetables. If that's not enough to saturate, increase the portions by cabbage, cucumbers or bell peppers, they are nutritious, but contain very few calories.
All products can be prepared without the use of fat for frying. Meat and fish barbecued or steamed. The vegetables can simmer or boil, but without a huge amount of spices and minimal added salt. Any seasonings stimulate the appetite, and it does not help to improve the figures. If you prepare salads, fill them with lemon juice or a small amount of olive oil. Do not get carried away with sour cream or mayonnaise. They are very much slow down the process of losing weight.